Friday 17 October 2014

Fingerhut-Sommer - The Germans are here!


Unknown said...

The title sounds funny, even though it is correctly translated. "Fingerhut" also means "thimble" and I'd say that this is what most people propably think of first. So I guess that's why they had to put in the foxglove shape... Anyhow: glad to see that the book will be out here as well, so I can tell the non-English-readers I got hooked on your books not to worry... :-)
There is however the small issue with the promised map...

Unknown said...

Oh and of course: don't mention the war!

Unknown said...

Outch... Serves me right for starting to comment without reading all the recent posts. Mr. Aaronovitch, I owe you an apology concerning the map. I will try to make it up by buying you a beer should the opportunity present itself...

Unknown said...

I agree: Digitalis-Sommer would be a much worse title...

Anonymous said...

I was confused at first when I read the German title, but the internet helped to get the Foxglove together with the Fingerhut as I didn't think about the plant - To be honest, I didn't know the plant's name, neither in English nor in German. So I learned two new words today :-)