The first is this eyebending cover for Samit Basu's brilliant superhero fable Turbulence.
The second is the restrained minimalist cover for Paul Cornell's high octane supernatural police procedural London Falling.
In which Ben Aaronovitch occasionally writes down things that occur to him despite the fact that he won't get paid for doing it.
Jetzt erhältlich Der Galgen von Tyburn Roman Der sechste Fall für Peter Grant In seinem sechsten Fall muss der fabelhafte P...
We're not worthy!
You might let us know when they come out. I don't know whether to resent US Amazon yet, since UK Amazon doesn't seem to list London Falling either.
...And you have another reader. She discovered Peter Grant and the Vorkosiverse in the same month, lucky lady! =:o}
(In her spare time, she juggles with satellites somewhere near Saturn.)
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