Friday 26 June 2015

Paperback Launch in Cardiff

Waterstones Cardiff in Wales!

The 9th of July at Seven O'clock! In less than 2 weeks time.

Me... and that should be enough for you.

To mark the release of the paperback version of Foxglove Summer!

What Else
Waterstones Cardiff is here! In Cardiff... unsurprisingly.

And you can buy tickets for the event here!


Kendra Leonard said...

Congratulations! I'll be buying my copy on the other side of the pond, but hope that the launch in Wales is an enormous success and loads of fun!

Federhirn said...

I'll be there!

By the way, if you have some time to spare in Cardiff and wonder what to do while you're in town, I've written a guide to the city:

It's not nearly as knowledgeable about architecture as the Peter Grant novels are, but perhaps you might find it useful nonetheless!