Thursday 30 January 2014

Broken Homes - North American Release

My latest novel BROKEN HOMES will be released in North America.

Febuary 4th 2014 

Because soon the whole northern continent will be under my sway! Bwahahahaha!


Unknown said...

Boy the yanks are going to be seriously pissed off that the damn yooropeans have had it for soooo long before them. Hell slap it into them I say, serves 'em right for being on he wrong continent. Best of luck with the release though, and, um when's the next one due guv?

Windy said...

Great that they have stopped with the cheesy covers that they slapped on the first two

LauraJ said...

Hey, Simon, some of us wily Yankees have used the power of the international postal services to slake our thirst. Though it will be good to be able to hear Kobna Holdbrook-Smith's excellent narration as well.

Slightly Bent said...

Very excited that we're finally getting it. Will the audio book be released in North America?

jmellby said...

All the smart yanks got it from Amazon UK when it came out and have read it twice by now.

Unknown said...

Any idea when the audio will be available in the U.S. Love Kobna Holdbrook-Smith's narration? I was hoping it would come out today, alongside the kindle release, but nope.

Anonymous said...

I'm dying here... release day and no audible version. Any clue as to the time frame for that ?

Ben Aaronovitch said...

It should be available - it seems to be on the site.

RM said...

Nope. Audible says it does not have the rights in the US. Amazon has the paperback, kindle and CDs for US.

Unknown said...

Living in the US, I can buy the audio version on CD but not audible. Trying to get it for my mother. She doesn't read anything on paper anymore and the CDs are a lot of a hassle

Anonymous said...

I am anxious to find the audible version. Have any news on the release date for it?
Love your books; teaching one next semester in university course.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't seem to be available on the Audible site:(

LauraJ said...

The Audible version isn't up, and on US Amazon it suggest we should tell them if we want it as an audio book. SO I told them I did, of course.

rrr said...

I'm seeing an audio CD version on the US amazon site (different page than the mass market pb), but no download via audible.

Unknown said...

Loved it! Need more immediately please!

Anonymous said...

I emailed and asked when it would be available. As of yesterday, they said they would alert the Content department, which would get back to me as soon as they knew something.

LauraJ said...

Thanks! At least they know people are interested.

Cass said...

I actually ordered this from Amazon UK so I wouldn't have to wait (shipping was as much as the book), but now they won't stop sending me emails telling me to buy the first three books...because yeah, that makes sense. : /

Unknown said...

Still not available at US audible. Emailed them and they thanked me. No, thank you. Bastards. I would buy it on kindle but my drinking problem relegates me to about a book a month whereas I put down 2 audios a week. I'll wait. Won't like it but I'll wait.

Unknown said...

Finally released at U.S. audible! Mid-month. Bastards. Like I can hold on to two credits for more than a week. Had to return one to get this. Now driving is so so much better. As are all the other mundane chores I must endure.

Kate said...

I can't find it, dammit. Akktat, you're buying it through

LauraJ said...

LauraJ said...

LauraJ said...

It's at Audible, I just tried to post the link; under 'Modern Detective', if the link doesn't come through.

LauraJ said...

Sorry, I am apparently losing my mind. Broken Homes is in fantasy /paranormal (what sort of indexing are they doing? Indecisive?) and if the link comes through,


Unknown said...

Now Mr. author... Didn't you say we'd get a map for Broken Homes when it's out in the US of A? Give, give, give!

Unknown said...

Ahhh...finally. Got the book on Kindle and Audible. Very good. Now where's the next one? Talk about cliff hanger endings. My first response was, "LESLIE!!!NOT Leslie!!" But now I am eager to learn what next. Please don't make me wait as long.

Unknown said...

Ahhh... Finally. Happily chewed through the e book, acquired the audible for work listening. NOW, WHERE IS THE NEXT ONE? I am hoping we do not have to wait as long as for "Broken Homes" ,(do you not like Leslie? Poor thing,she has certainly got the brunt. Unless...plots within plots?)

Unknown said...

Ah-HA! Amazon posts "Foxglove Summer" will be out October 2014. Peter Grant #5?

Unknown said...

Jup... "Foxglove Summer" is number 5 and "The Hanging Tree" will be number 6. Zeno Agencies page also lists two further, still unnamed, books.

The Golancz page says about number 5:
"Peter Grant leaves London, and the star of Rivers of London will find that life outside the shining metropolis is just as bad as he feared. In a small village in Hertfordshire, children have been going missing – but the local police aren’t convinced that supernatural means are a possibility. Peter will have to convince them otherwise, as well as try to find a shop that stays open after 4pm…"

And just to be an annoyance: Hey Mr. Author! Where is our map? (And yes, I did read the piece on Neil Gaimans blog about reader's entitlement issues... *big grin*)