Monday, 24 June 2013

Once More Into The Breach!

I swore I'd never go back to television!
But let's face it I was lying through my teeth.

Ben Aaronovitch(tm) is proud to announce that the Rivers of London series has been optioned by Feel Films.

Feel Films is run by Nick Hirschkorn and is currently producing Joanathan Strange & Mr Norrell for the BBC. Our aim is to produce a TV series that will blow the audiances's socks off and out via their earholes.

This is of course just the beginning of the process and there will be many many...many meetings and proposal documents and ideas being run up flagpoles etc but I'm hopeful we can not just get it done but get it done well.

Zeno Press Release here


Mark said...

"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in" - Michael Corleone, and now you!

Excellent stuff. Here's hoping a few faces from the dream cast blog post will appear

Paul Walsh said...

Looking forward to this

Anonymous said...

Fantasy casting a fantasy no more! How much input would you have into hands-on stuff like casting?

Cary Watson said...

Excellent news. Let the merchandising commence and put me down for a Rivers of London board game.

Unknown said...

now if you just could get Kobna Holdbrook-Smith pencilled in as peter....

Ailsa said...

Ooh, sounds great! Can't wait to see the finished thing :)

Smaug said...

This make me happy.

That is all ... Except for Goodluck!

aringler said... I'm in heaven....Being I'm an American, I'm sure I will have to sell my soul in order to see it once completed...but I will do so happily!

Leslie said...

Yay! You get option monies upfront, right? Woo-hoo!

olracUK said...

Great news. Lets hope this doesn't get sucked into development black hole. Stand your ground and good luck

Harlequin said...

Oh, wonderful! Is it also possible that you might get to write an episode or two?

I forget whether I thanked you for giving Mum a shout out in MOS. There were plans to develop a series on her life many years ago which were dropped due to 'Our Friends in the North' coming out (which included fictionalised portrayals of some of the same events, with McDowell playing Dad like an SF villain). That was subsequently handed over to Dan Films as a theatrical project funded by Film Four and, according to the producer and director, is /still/ being scripted. I fervently hope that the RoL project moves along with considerably greater haste.

Fraser said...

Fingers crossed that this unfolds the way you want it too.

Unknown said...

I would love to see the books made into a series rather than a film. It portrays the London I know with the great urban fantasy. Just so long as they don't add bits that aren't in the books and get the casting right it will make great viewing.

Linda said...

Please option for the US. Please.