Friday, 10 October 2014

Locations, Locations, Locations: The Short Stories

This is actually a test to see how the new Google Map interface works plus the locations of the four short stories so far.


Rachel Green said...

okay...where are these short stories, and how do I get to read them?

Unknown said...

What she said :-)

carol said...

Ditto... I don't want to miss anything!

Unknown said...

same thing, where are the stories?

Unknown said...

According to Wikipedia ( they are in certain editions of the novels.

Whilst I love your work Mr Aaronovitch, I'm loathe to re-buy the books (after first buying the paper and then the e-book versions) to get the short stories. I will, however, pony up good cash for an anthology :)

Ben Aaronovitch said...

Don't worry - as soonm as we have enough short stories to fill an anthology we plan to release them in one volume. About 2-3 years or so.

Unknown said...

I'd love to read the stories as well. Getting the special editions with the stories is however next to impossible here in Germany. You could sell them as ebooks, couldn't you?

Unknown said...

I wish you would publish the short stories electronically now. When you do put them out in hard copy, people will buy the paper volume as well. Besides that, I really, really, really want to read them now.

LauraJ said...

Isn't it nice to have such calm, firm, polite fans, who are quite right that we'll buy copies later if you meet our [strike] demands[/strike] requests sooner?