
Monday 9 June 2014

Foxglove Summer - The Cover!


  1. It looks awesome!

  2. Awesome! And in my childhood stomping ground, too. When is it published?

  3. Can't wait. In fact, per usual, I won't wait. Will order from the UK!

  4. I am looking forward to hearing Kobna Holdbrook-Smith read Foxglove Summer on the Audio edition. I hope he gets the role when it the series is filmed.

  5. Rachel, I checked amazon and it says 25th September in the UK. Can't wait!

  6. I'm really looking forward to this. I will have finished the new Paul Cornell by then and will be ready!

    And when will we see the film/TV series, hopefully directed by Joss Whedon (I haven't worked out who will play what part yet!)

  7. So, will he meet Phil Rickman's character, the Rev. Merrily Watkins? They're roughly in the same line of work!

  8. Uhm... Kobna ist too old to play Peter, as much as this pains me.
    And I am afraid (as much as this pains me) that Joss is too American for this.
    If I could pick the director, I'd say Euros Lyn, James Strong or Nick Hurran.

    But back to the cover: nice one, I was wondering how the "notlondon" would reflect in the cover picture. I can't wait... Oh and Mr. Author: YOU OWE US A MAP! :-)

    Cheers, Tom

  9. It took me a while to work out that it's actually not a bit of London after all. Silly me.

    I think Joss is enough of an Anglophile to pull it off. Indeed, he was in talks with the Beeb, including Julie Gardner, over the Ripper Buffy spinoff for many years before the ideas were absorbed into the comics. My main objection would be that he has little experience directing anything he hasn't personally written.

    Which leads me to wonder if Tony Head as Nightingale would just be typecasting. And that further leads me to wonder where the Fantasy Casting page disappeared to.

  10. yes, yes and ... yes!
    i'm really curious how the story with lesley and the faceless man will continue

  11. Well in one of our German bookshops the Release Date is the 17th of july... But i'm curious too on how the Story with Lesley continues... :)

  12. I guess the fantasy casting had to go because of the real casting going on... Tony Head is way too old for our dear Nightingale. Giles in his prime would have been a good fit but alas, time waits for no one. But whoever will play him or Peter or Beverly or anyone else: I can't wait to see how it turns out.

    Ceterum censeo: Author. Map. Please.

  13. I saw the town of Hereford on the map and wondered aloud, "Hmm, will Peter be meeting some of the more interesting people who live there?" *cough*22*cough*

  14. Since I discovered Merrily by reading this very blog, yes, it is fun to imagine, isn't it?

  15. I cant wait to read foxglove summer, I am nowrereading broken homes as I reread tbe first 3 while waiting for broken homes-I am addicted. My daughter introduced me to the first one and now several friends are waiting for the next installment along with us.
    It's even more delicious for being set on my manor, I even (unfortunately) went to Acland Burghley school, at least my daughters went to camden...
    One side effect of my love for this series is an inability to read my more normal fiction anymore, so I am curious to know if I would like the Dresdon files or Benedict Jacka"s fated, cursed, taken, chosen, or do they pale in comparison? These are by American authors I presume, and Ben's take on London is a huge part of the Rivers of Londons charm for me.
    Would appreciate any views.

  16. I cant wait to read foxglove summer, I am nowrereading broken homes as I reread tbe first 3 while waiting for broken homes-I am addicted. My daughter introduced me to the first one and now several friends are waiting for the next installment along with us.
    It's even more delicious for being set on my manor, I even (unfortunately) went to Acland Burghley school, at least my daughters went to camden...
    One side effect of my love for this series is an inability to read my more normal fiction anymore, so I am curious to know if I would like the Dresdon files or Benedict Jacka"s fated, cursed, taken, chosen, or do they pale in comparison? These are by American authors I presume, and Ben's take on London is a huge part of the Rivers of Londons charm for me.
    Would appreciate any views.

  17. Just got an update from Amazon (USA) informing me that Foxglove Summer has been delayed until January 6, 2015. This is awful news. Any idea why?

  18. I can't find a Rushpool in that area. The map seems, however, to be centred near the home of the late writer Jeremy Sandford, a man of certain mystical/spiritual interests, at which I stayed a few times and which I now think is owned by some traveller acquaintances of mine. Is Peter going to be mingling with some hippioids?

  19. Pushed back? Nooooooooooooooooo.....!!!!!

    And as to the Dresden question: The first few Dresden Files are somewhat in our general direction. My suggestion would be (if one can get them) the two Gabriel Knight books by Jane Jensen...

    Oh and of course: Mr. Author please, we need a map of these, which of course makes no sense but rhymes...

  20. What a relief! I just finished Broken Homes and I was cursing you up and down for that ending. When's the publication date?

  21. I have been an avid fan of this series since I heard Rivers of London being reviewed on the Simon Mayo Radio 2 show and now I find that the latest and very eagerly awaited book is set practically in my back garden. I'm so glad Peter et al are coming to stay - if you want rural, then we're the rural-est. In fact my daughter had to run to London the minute she reached University age to get the smell of cow shit out of her nostrils. Anyone for The Hereford Rap?
    "Tractor, trailer
    Combine, Bailer
    Select from the above list to resplace the Ford Asbo. Looking forward to seeing how Peter copes with some of the more "out there" elements of this area. Whatever happens, I know I'll love it.

  22. According to
    (in the UK)
    Hardback & Kindle -- 13 November
    Audio -- 6 January, 2015
    Paperback -- 16 July, 2015


