
Saturday 19 April 2014

Rivers of London Rap

Lyrics and Performed by: Ben Bailey Smith
Director: Matt Bloom
Producer and Composer: Mikis Michaelides
Visual FX: Sam Highfield
Executive Producer: Ben Aaronovitch


  1. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this. So perfectly fabulous.

  2. Really lovely :D

    It seems even odder in this instance to see live versions of what was previously in my head than with most other screen adaptations I see.

  3. Nice!! Very nice. Just finished Moon over Soho. Love this character. Music video was great.

  4. Great video. Just finished Moon over Soho! Loved it. Great character, especially his youthful sarcasm.

  5. Nice!! Very nice. Just finished Moon over Soho. Love this character. Music video was great.

  6. This is absolutely brilliant! Both the music and the video!

    If your books ever get made into movies (I have an inkling that it will happen ...), please make sure that this man gets the leading part.

    I rarely watch movie renditions of my favourite books, because I hate it if the characters look different than they do in my head, but he is just perfect.

  7. This is beautiful. I have to link to this on my blog and probably a couple book discussion communities. Cool!

    Really good fx too, except for a couple. They are a lot better than I'm used to seeing on videos not made for tv or film. I loved the moment where Rivers of London flips open and it's an old, mysterious-looking tome out of D&D.

    Question: does Ben Bailey Smith have the accent Peter would have? I'm American and while I can recognize a number of accents as UK and can even tell some of them are different, I don't know the names for most of them. I've noticed a number of novels starting to refer to a London accent, presumably not cockney. Would Peter have a London accent (whatever it is) with a bit of Sierra Leonan?
