
Saturday 11 April 2015

Day 11: Heckled in Twickenham, fated in Wimbledon


Twickenham Library
2.00 pm
15.9 km from Covent Garden

So on the noon of the eleventh day of April I set forth in my trusty black cab to brave the perilous and crowded highways of South West London. Many were the punters heading for the rugby, and rammed the roads were with people off to see the Oxford and Cambridge Boat race. Many and twisting were the ways my trusty driver took to avoid the jams before depositing me safely before the hallowed halls of Twickenham Library.

There I was plied with coffee strong before being turned out to face the multitude that had arrived to see me, Many of whom, it transpired, had no idea who I was at all.

It was here that I was heckled for the first time by a member of the audience. I say heckled but actually it was more like a demand that I explain exactly what it was I was planning to do with the rest of my books. Caught unawares I was tongue tied and she was unimpressed.

 Fortunately the rest of the audience seemed much more forgiving and after my terrible trauma I was supplied with crisps by Pen, Gavin, Joss, Jonas and Cheney (see below) until my nerves were steadied and my taxi had arrived.

We're ready to lend books to YOU!

Onwards to Wimbledon!


Wimbledon Library
6.30 pm
11.4 km from Covent Garden

I arrived with a couple of hours to spare to I sated my hunger with a Smoked Krakauer inna bun from this guy...

I was then ushered into the library by Wimbledon's insanely well groomed library team...

Now I actually wrote down everyone's names, at least I think I did, but I can't find the piece of paper so if any of you read this could you put your name in the comments so I can edit the blog.

After a reading from Rivers of London by local actor and playwright Michael Norman-Smith I was turned loose on the audience who were very nice and gentle with me even those that had obviously been dragged in by their better halves.

So that's twelve events done - plenty more to go.

On Sunday I get a day off but on Monday - FOREST GATE!


  1. As a hard-core fan the Richmond heckling was cringeworthy but hysterical to watch ... I suspect we'll see South West London ladies of a certain age giving Peter a hard time at some point in the future!

  2. Great talk at Wimbledon. L-R Micheal-Erin-Felicity-Philippa-Chandra-Laila-Jema-Laura and Sakthi.
