
Sunday 4 August 2013

Oh no my ego has explo.....wait that was last year!

Now my ego has expanded to become coterminous with the known universe - so there!


  1. Well deserved. I'm about 10% in.

  2. I agree, it is very well deserved. Loved the book so much I am currently on my THIRD read through and finding more detail each time.

  3. Very well deserved. I yelled at my copy just now when I reached the ending. Don't want to spoil so I won't say more, but.... When's the next one out? Soon right? Right? :D

  4. Number 2 on Audible downloads of the last 7 days (and would have been number 1 if it was not for that perky j.k.rowling leak).

  5. You bastard! That ending! No! How could you do something like that?! That's worse than killing off Dumbledore!

    So yeah, I loved it...

    Btw, an editor should really go over the Kindle edition. It's full of typos and missing words. I've tried reporting them in the long-press menu, but I don't know whether that info ever reaches anybody.

  6. You BASTARD! I can't even believe you did that to us!

    That was amazing. So good, so, so good.

  7. Reading mine now for the second time, after going back through the previous three. Liked the short story in the special edition, I was thinking "Books, possible haunting, is he going to make a Ghostbu... Oh, he has."

    Occasionally tell visitors to the museum where I work that the tower has cold riveted girders with cores of pure selenium. None of them get the reference :(

    Nice to meet you the other day at Covent Garden anyway, Mike mentioned you said you'd seen me at the Dr Who panel the following day.

  8. The Kindle versions of all the books have terrible typos, which is partially why I get the hardback versions as well.

    "[S]trange things that are also people"? That's up there with reusing the Prisoner bicycle gag in... errm... another book ;)

  9. At least one of the mistakes made it into the audiobook: Faceless Man I gets named as Wheatcroft instead of Woodville-Gentle at one point. But um yeah that's being picky. Love the book and all that jam.

  10. At least one of the mistakes made it into the audiobook: Faceless Man I gets named as Wheatcroft instead of Woodville-Gentle at one point. But um yeah that's being picky. Love the book and all that jam.

  11. A shocking finale (in multiple senses), to be sure. The main question I'm waiting to have answered, though, is what the keylogger has recorded.

  12. @Harlequin

    You know, after all that time locked up in the Folly, who would hold it against her if she discovered what the Internet *truly* is for (at least according to a certain Broadway musical...)

  13. @William

    And just when I thought that nothing about her could scare me anymore...

    No! These thoughts must be unthought!


  14. I'm looking forward to the next one.

  15. Where is your "donate" button? You need one!
