
Thursday 6 June 2013



I bring tidings of great joy!
And also tidings of slightly less great joy!

First the good news!
From henceforth the Peter Grant series, from BROKEN HOMES onwards, will be published by DAW. That’s right our intrepid police constable is joining the ranks of the yellow sided mass market paperback.

DAW also publish many of my heroes and intend to take advantage of that by blagging as many free copies as I can get my hands on(1).

DAW and I have decided to go with modified versions of the UK covers so at the very least they will be easy to spot.

And now for the news that is not so good.

Unfortunately the first slot open for publication in North America is Febuary 14th 2014 – sorry.

This is actually my fault for delivering late(2) but Betsy Wolfheim, an editor so legendary that even her emails are carved into the walls of lost temples, has said that if I can finish the next book on time she’ll be able to synchronise the release dates for five and six.

However to assuage your anger here is a picture of a humorous cat.

News that is pretty neutral!
An audio version of Broken Homes will be available in North America – ideally around the same time as the book release.

(1) I admit that that this particular aspect is much better news for me than it is for you.
(2) Although on the up side this will give new readers a chance to catch up with the first three books – just saying.


  1. It's nice to have a US release date. I was wondering why it hadn't appeared in any of the online bookstores yet. But February's a long way off so I think I'll just order the UK edition.

  2. Well, I'm going to be in London in October and will grab it on my Kindle when I get there. They'd better not mess with it when I come back home.

  3. Thank heavens for importing, because I am not waiting for Peter Grant and Leslie May until 2014.

  4. I put in an order through Amazon UK. I should have the book at the beginning of August and it will be under $25 total. Pretty doable, seems to me!

  5. I think most of us this-side of the pond will have recourse to our English Connections.

  6. Any idea of roughly when the audio book version will be released in the UK?

    1. Same day as book, so says Bens/The Folly homepage

  7. Yes, it's VERY nice indeed that AmazonUK is so friendly!

  8. I'm so glad for a date, even if it means a bit of a wait. I just re-read the first three books and was wondering when the next would arrive!

  9. I'm so glad for a date, even if it means a bit of a wait. I just re-read the first three books and was wondering when the next would arrive!

  10. I've checked Amazon repeatedly for a release date and now I see I'll have to go through Amazon UK. Sure don't want to wait 'til next Feb. You are only the 2nd author I've done this with--most times I can wait it out. But I love this series.

  11. Will Daw be republishing the first two books with the UK covers?

  12. Del Rey remain the publishers of books 1-3 but I believe they plan to publish 1 and 2 with the UK covers when or if a new printing is required.

  13. *grumble*
    Thank goodness for

  14. Well Ben, I guess I shall just have to wait and purchase the audiobook version as soon as available in the US (hopefully through Audible). Sigh.
