
Friday 8 June 2012

Character Songs: Stephanopoulos

Detective Inspector Miriam Stephanopoulos


  1. But this meant that in the event of a work-related call, Molly would answer the phone downstairs and then inform me by silently standing in my bedroom doorway until I woke up out
    of sheer creepiness.


  2. Oh no, just read the 60 page excerpt you linked to on the twitters. Your sense of humo(u)r just slays me. :)

    I could seriously picture Molly doing that. HAHAHAHA. snork.

    Otherwise I am counting the days until it shows up on my Kindle, and none too patiently. In the meantime I am amusing myself by looking up all the UK-isms I don't know, like "mews" etc.

  3. I'm fairly certain that the large Victorian cities in the US would have had mews as well. Did they call them something else?

  4. The definition I associate with "mews" is : 1. A cage for hawks, especially when molting. (Or to describe the whole hawk-barn.)

    I'm reasonably sure we don't have "stables converted into apartments" in the US, but I could be wrong. Here, we'd tear down the old to build the new. In any event, we don't have anything *today* called mews where I live, not like you've depicted it. Perhaps on the east coast where things are older? Dunno.

  5. Ha, I lied. A cursory google of the phrase "mews apartments" turns up a boat load of hits. Mostly newer apartment complexes trying to sound high-class, no doubt.

    Around here, high-class is denoted by the use of superfluous "e"s on the end of words, eg, "Cardinal Pointe."

  6. As far as I know, most of the urban stables here that still exist were converted into garages. Not so many fancy big urban carriage houses in Boston, anyway.

    Hearing that clip made my mom go all dreamy-eyed. She loved the movie and described the rain by the El station without seeing the clip.

  7. And back on topic (although most mews conversions are only big enough for millionaire dwarfs) I never thought that DS Miriam would care for Jazz

    More These Boots Were Made For Walking. Or maybe 80's "raggle taggle" like Dexys, The Waterboys or The Pogues
